Every day, you'll have opportunities to take chances and to work outside your safety net. Sure, it's a lot easier to stay in your comfort zone.. in my case, business suits and real estate.. but sometimes you have to take risks. When the risks pay off, that's when you reap the biggest rewards. - Donald Trump

Monday, August 10, 2009


I scanned this articles from the recent copy of The Edge. Can't help but to share with you guys.
Last year in 2008, I had many clients or intended bidders who called me up to ask how was the property market doing. Long lost clients called me out of the blue asking me the same question as well.
I can only tell them one answer. "Property market is still doing well"
They would then ask me why is that so.
And I said "Please come to auction and see it with your own eyes"
When they attended auction, I don't have to say anything further and rest my case.
Hope you'll enjoy the articles as much as I do. Happy property shopping!!

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